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Music On Trial : Soundtrack set to a typical day in the life of an Ole

In life, there exists a school of thought that each and every person’s life is a movie, and that people are the stars of their own movies. Well, I say we are no exception, and, as Oles, we have our very own special soundtrack. While our lives vary from day to day and person to person, there are some experiences we share here at St. Olaf and thus, some songs that have the potential to hold meaning for many of us. So here it is – a playlist to connect you with each and every person you pass on your frigid trek from dorm to class to Buntrock to work to wherever else you spend your days here on the Hill.

7:00 a.m. – Rise and shine! Sure, it’s early, but gosh darn it you need to get to the Caf before class… ha… ha ha… kidding. May the chorus of snoozed alarms echo from Thorson to Kittelsby as we all pretend 8 a.m. classes, five days a week, aren’t steadily killing our collective spirit. Thank goodness for dance music, because Basshunter’s “Please Don’t Go” will give you the energy to get up and put on some deodorant please do this while still appreciating your desire to be back in bed.

8:00 a.m. – All right, you made it along with about 80 percent of your classmates. Way to go, team. But getting there is just the beginning, and if anybody wants to stay up in class, you’re going to have to support one another. So in the spirit of solidarity, “Keep Together” with Hunter Hunted. I do hope you’re not in such a morning rut that you have to resort to High School Musical…

10:30 a.m. – Thank goodness you have a break from class, because skipping breakfast has your stomach rumbling, and that is a problem that desperately needs fixing. Whether you’re working in the Pause or just swinging by for a slice, I recommend getting a little nostalgic with “Stack That Pizza,” an old favorite by Brass Camel. Unfortunately, the band members graduated last year, but if you ever heard the song, I guarantee it is still buried somewhere among the biology and literature scattered around your brain.

1:00 p.m. – It’s test day. I am so sorry. But, to cheer you up, I have a fact and a song. Did you know that listening to music, but specifically unfamiliar music, can boost productivity? Unfortunately Meghan Trainor or Kanye might not cut it if you know the lyrics back to front, but “Dreamsickle” by Muus is a brand new folksy tune that will keep you focused for at least the first couple listens. Though you’ll have to switch it out of rotation once it becomes your new favorite. I know it’s mine.

2:00 p.m. – Your test is over. You’re so happy. You’re practically belting out “Beautiful Day” by Michael Bublé because it feels so darn good. It’s all you can do not to dance down the hall, and you’re smiling like a goon, and oh… my… goodness…

2:01 p.m. – There they are. You met at a party once. It was very “Call Me Maybe,” by Carly Rae Jepsen. But neither of you ever called because you felt awkward and embarrassed the next day. And now it’s progressed into Jepsen’s new tune “I Really Like You,” and it’s pretty awkward. But just wave and smile – no, not like that, that’s a creepy, creepy smile! There, much better. Now you’re one step closer to remembering each others’ names.

4:00 p.m. – Uh oh… your phone is ringing. It’s your parents. You love your parents, but that test today left you feeling a little stressed and you really don’t want to talk about it. It’ll be all “I Bet My Life” by Imagine Dragons, and in the end it will be okay, but it’s just not what you want to do right now… but you pick up because it’s rude not to. It’ll be over soon. Plus, if you’re lucky, they’ll sympathize with you and send a care package. Yummy.

6:00 p.m. – Two hours later and that call with your parents still has you a little shaky. Unfortunately, they didn’t promise to send a care package. They just wanted to tell you that the dog got into the pantry this morning and needed a serious bath. “Don’t you know, it was just a real mess. I spent my whole morning phone call with your Aunt Barb cleaning Special K off the floor.” Despite this incredibly mundane call, you find yourself stressed about everything. “Bills” by LunchMoney Lewis is playing on repeat in your mind and you hate everything. TGIF and there’s a Pause dance tonight…

8:00 p.m. – After deciding that the stress isn’t worth it, you’re feeling like trolling a little, and as part of your Pause dance pre-party, you’re working your way through the Lonely Island’s entire discography. “Threw It On The Ground” is resonating especially hard right now, because you know it takes a really special mood to know that that’s not your dad… it’s a cell phone.

11:00 p.m. – It’s finally here. You can relax, and the rest of your night is “Runaway Baby” by Bruno Mars… until you crash into bed, of course. And then you can start over again tomorrow morning.

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