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Kurts’ hearing postponed, bail paid


Former St. Olaf student Waylon Kurts, who was arrested on suspicion of terroristic threats, hearing has been postponed.


The omnibus hearing, originally scheduled for Aug. 15 was rescheduled after Kurts’ attorney, Paul Rogoeshek, submitted a Memorandum of Law and Motion to Dismiss on Aug. 7. The Motion to Dismiss brought by Rogoeshek requests the State dismiss the case due to a lack of probable cause. That same day, the court sent a Notice of Hearing to both parties for a contested omnibus hearing on Dec. 1. 


In Minnesota, a contested omnibus hearing is when the defense brings a motion during the pretrial phase. In the case of Kurts, the hearing will involve the judge deciding on the motion whether to dismiss the case brought on by Rogoeshek’s defense. After the hearing, the judge will have 90 days to come to a decision. 


This news comes after Director of Public Safety Derek Kruse’s June 7 email to St. Olaf students announcing that the remainder of Kurts’ bail has been paid. 


“By paying the full amount of the bail, Kurts will no longer have restrictions on his release; his ankle bracelet will be removed, and he is no longer prohibited from possessing firearms or being present in places where firearms are sold or used. He is, of course, required to remain law-abiding,” Kruse wrote. The email notes that the College’s no-trespass order remains in effect, and that Kurts is no longer a student. 


Reporting by The Olaf Messenger is ongoing.