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Ole Occurences


St. Olaf’s campus is a place of hustling, bustling activity from the longest-tenured staff to the freshest first-years. From the clues below, can you figure out each Ole’s experience on the given days along with their chosen article of clothing?

  1. One person kicked their Monday off in sweats, but they are not the Pub Safe officer.
  2. (E)PDA (Ex-President David Anderson) fell asleep reading Kant the day after something happened to the Ole wearing the Norwegian sweater.
  3. The person who donned the Ole scarf pulled it on the day after the writing tutor had an experience and the day before someone slipped and fell in the Caf to a rage of applause from the track team.
  4. On Wednesday, someone sauntered down to Boe for chapel service.
  5. Someone tried their hand at tango in Social Ballroom Club wearing a sustainable, organic-cotton t-shirt.
  6. Your religion professor hasn’t yet let on what happened at the very end of the week, but you know they didn’t visit the Carleton cafeteria or attend chapel.
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