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Sonny Angels Rock


“Sonny Angels” will soon overtake campus, or at least my Ytterboe Pod. More Oles are starting to get into Sonny Angels. I have not seen anyone with a tattoo based on the little guys, something I see almost every day on Instagram, but I do see them around campus. 


Originally made in Japan to bring companionship to young working women, Sonny Angels are becoming a phenomenon across the United States. Named “Sonny” after their creator, Toru Soeya, Sonny Angels are small toys resembling cherubs, complete with angel wings and full nudity. Well, most Sonny Angels or “Sonnys” are naked. The naked dolls feature miniature genitals, making for a confusing yet adorable collectible. 


The baby figurines have unique headgear themed based on which series of mystery packs they’re from. Some of the series I own include vegetables, animals, marine, and town musicians. My friends have started to view my Sonny Angels as cute instead of creepy because I bring them out with me enough that they’re less of a shock. Sonny Angels seems to bring whimsical charm wherever they go. They’re a conversation starter, breaking the ice and lightning the vibe whenever someone sees their ever-present smile and butt. I hope to see an army of Sonnys in Rølvaag, supporting young Oles dealing with stress. 

Caroline Geer is from Northville, Mich. Her majors are race and ethnic studies and sociology/anthropology. 

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