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Must try weird food combinations in Stav

College may be best known as a time for exploration. However, I don’t think that usually applies to the food we eat. But I still love to give it the old college try with many different food and drink combos. 

I have been listening around campus to try and find some of the weirdest combos. Some are crazy, like hot buttered popcorn with milk eaten with a spoon like cereal, and a grilled pickle and peanut butter sandwich. One of my good friends likes ​​pickles, tomatoes, balsamic vinegar, and onion in a salad.

Personally, I like to experiment with drink combos. People still think I’m strange when I mix my Wild Cherry Pepsi with milk. But remember the Pilk and Cookies ad with Lindsey Lohan from December of 2022? I myself was very skeptical about Pilk at first, but I tried it anyway and I loved it. 

This has led to many more experiments like Lime Bubly with chocolate milk. I personally must put sparkling water into every cold drink I have. At the start of freshman year someone suggested to me to try chocolate milk and rootbeer. If you try any of these, try that one — it’s amazing. I like to start by putting the milk in my cup because then if Stav is out — which is way more often than it should be — I can get a new cup and not waste soda. In addition, when pop is poured over the milk, it foams up a lot and the foam is delicious.

Wes Sumner
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