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Ole Athletics commentary and suggestion box: Men’s Cross Country Proposals

Dear St. Olaf Men’s Cross Country,

For years, you have been criticized, fairly and unfairly, for your shenanigans in the caf. Whether it be your sophomores publicly announcing their majors in front of everybody on Declaration Day, breaking out into a table-wide applause for reasons unbeknownst to onlookers, or the yearly milk-chugging competition, many students view your actions as obnoxious and annoying.

However, two Fridays ago, watching your freshmen wander around Stav, drop onto one knee, and propose to unassuming diners with lollipops as a plea to attend the annual XC home meet was a breath of fresh air. Stav tends to be a place of routine and monotony; perhaps aside from the food we eat and the people we sit with, it’s seldom a unique experience. Yet, you made that Friday dinner an experience. The drama of whether or not the proposal would be accepted, the feelings of pity felt for those poor freshmen, and the excitement when the upperclassmen XC members burst into cheers upon a successful proposal all contributed to a memorable and enjoyable dining experience. For that, I — and hopefully many others — say: well done.

The student body cannot always excuse your Stav shenanigans. While your attempts to bring back clapping after someone drops a dish have fallen on mostly deaf ears, your proposals struck the delicate balance of being unintrusive, yet entertaining. Keep it up guys, but, in the opinion of many Oles, only sometimes.



A friendly Ole

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