Illustration by Hannah Anderson
Microtrends hit campus like a truck. What was “in” last week might not be “in” this week, and with Oles, fashion trends are varied to the point at which you can’t really say that a microtrend is popularized all over campus. So let me fill you in on two microtrends that I have been seeing lately worn by the fashion icons around campus.
The first one arose surprisingly across social media last fall and winter, and is now popularized among feminine presenting folks. It is the “blokette” style, in which the basic idea is to wear sporting clothes, specifically soccer shirts, and pair it with hyper-feminine articles of clothing and accessories such as white skirts, lace, bows, and shiny pink lip gloss. This outfit is derived from its exclusively hyper-feminine counterpart, the “coquette” style, that focuses on looking like an old-timey doll, using light hues like pink, white, and cream and putting bows on everything. “Blokette” goes for a more effortless stylish look, and it embraces femininity and masculinity at the same time. It has been popping around campus lately.
The second trend is the “eclectic grandpa.” Of course, I had absolutely no idea what it actually meant to be an eclectic grandpa, but looking up the trend on Pinterest and Instagram, I can totally see this sprouting up around the Hill. It consists of oversize everything, knitted sweaters, vintage crewnecks, and big brown coats. Earth tones are definitely in for the eclectic grandpa, and the overall idea is cozy comfort. Seeing people wear more vests, sweaters, Birkenstocks with socks, and the overall rise of the Suit Guys makes the setting perfect for people dressing up as eclectic grandpas. Working in the Halvorson Music Library makes for the perfect setting to see eclectic grandpa styles. To me, this is the reprise of the “twee” aesthetic of the 2010s.
I’m interested in seeing how people’s styles evolve as new trends pop up. It can be hard to be a fashion girly in a Midwestern liberal arts college. I encourage fellow fashion enthusiasts to compliment outfits you like; I guarantee it will make someone’s day. Should we start a fashion club on campus?